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Showing 39 of 39

Bar Graphs for Cumulative Precipitation

Bar graph representation of cumulative precipitation for calendar intervals (day, week, month) not rolling intervals.
19 days ago in  0 Needs review

provide a note indicating that cable length corrections are not configurable for VWP's

Longer cable lengths for Geokon VWP's require a thermistor correction over 1000 ft of cable. Since Sensemetrics does not allow the length of wire to be corrected for. A note in the configuration page should be provided letting users know this.
about 1 month ago in  1 Needs review

Gráficos de dispersão

Gostaríamos de sugerir a inclusão da funcionalidade para criação de gráficos de dispersão no tópico "data", semelhante ao que é possível criar no tópico de dashboard, para melhor acompanhamento das análises da instrumentação.
about 1 month ago in  0 Needs review

Notificações de falha e retorno de recebimento de dados

Gostaríamos de sugerir a criação de um alerta semelhante ao que recebemos quando ocorre a paralisação no recebimento de dados da instrumentação informando quando o recebimento desses dados é normalizado. Dessa forma teríamos como saber por quanto ...
about 1 month ago in  0 Needs review

Interactive spatial or image linked to data profile

It is useful because it improves the user experience allowing them to navigate through an image view to the data they want to see for a particular area of their site rather than knowing the name of the profile that they need to go to in order to a...
5 months ago in  0 Planned

Images for dashboards

Would like to be able to add images to dashboards so that a user can see where sensors are located that plotted on the dashboard. Even better would be an interactive image where you could click on the sensor icon and be taken to a data profile.
5 months ago in  0 Needs review

Manual Upload of Single Data Point

Currently there is an option to "Upload Observation" on a given sensor, but it is tied to current date/time. Allow for user to select observation date/time to upload manually-collected data from previous site visit without going through full data ...
7 months ago in  0 Needs review

Export edit configuration sensor details over API

This idea was submitted by Assaf Wunsch with SRK Consulting: "I want to reiterate again how useful it would be to have an option to export or API into the various settings on the Portal. For example, ground elevation, installation depth, the vario...
7 months ago in  0 Needs review

Battery Indicator on Connection Summary Card

It is useful because some clients do not realize that their Thread is offline because the battery has died or has gone into power saver mode. This would be a quick indicator. (see appended sample)
8 months ago in  0 Needs review

4h of sampling interval for Geonets and RST devices

User wants to be able to select 4h of sampling interval for instruments such as Geonets and RST VW loggers.
10 months ago in  0 Needs review