Better visualization of certain sensor types in iTwin Module.
Certain sensors like Shape Arrays and tilt beams could benefit from a more complex sensor mapping 3D visualization. Vertical Shape arrays could read the segment configuration and display the sensor segments in the subsurface (even better if displa...
Display USGS Stream/Reservoir Data such that it could be plotted with site specific instrumentation data such as piezometers installed in a dam or precipitation data collected at the site. Projects near dams/reservoirs/streams would benefit from i...
Client wants more customization capabilities on Graphs and Reports Module, such as: Graphs: 3 Y axis in a graph, green background for values under alerts limits; Reports: customizable notes disposal, different sizes of multiple graphs on the same ...
Rearrange Report pages with a Table of Contents type sidebar
Would like ability to change the order of a reports profile in a more consolidated manner like a list of titles that can be dragged and dropped to change report order instead of dragging the whole section. Or a configuration screen that would allo...
Allow multiple sensors to be added when creating Events
Certain events may impact a number of sensors at once (ie flood event or TS moved). It would be beneficial to be able to make an event and apply it to multiple sensors at one time.
Additional Information should be available via the "?" icon in device/sensor configuration page
Additional information like equations, variables, available calculated metrics, and setup parameters should be able to be accessed through the "?" icon. This would provide better visibility into outputs, ensure accurate setup, and avoid confusion ...
During migration with EAP clients, I've learned that IMS Admin is a very vital role to the organization and the users that we are dealing with on iTwin IoT are not at that permission level and will rarely be granted access to be due to security ri...
Dummy sensor data is good but it's static and doesn't update. We need a dynamic dummy data source. We can control the type of data (piezometers, load cells, temperature, RH, rain fall, etc.) and control the update frequency (hourly, daily, etc.).